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Scope of application: applicable to MCOB and LED filament products such aspackaging

Thixotropicgelof high viscosityforming,can be directly formedlens or asemicircleshape,high temperaturenot collapseafter forming.

2,the productof sapphire,glass and ceramicswith excellentadhesion,adhesion onfilament supportfirmly,bond stresslasting;

3,the productafter curing,good light transmission performance,anti ultravioletperformance,can be in-60℃ ~ 250℃for outdooruse;


Scope of application:applicable to MCOBand LEDfilamentproducts such aspackaging


Ordinalitemnumbervalue unit


1 appearance: A: -white,-whiteB:

2 viscositycomponent A(25 ℃)45000 ±5000 mPa ?s

3 viscositycomponent B(25 ℃)3000 ±300 mPa ?s

4mixed viscosity(25 ℃)microwhitecolloid

After curing

5 hardness(25 ℃)50 ±5 shoreA

Instructions for use:

1,A,Bglue inthe weight ratio of 1:1after mixing,packed in glass bottles,such asin the mixing processinthe air,should bebefore theadhesive tothe filament and thematerial,usevacuumto completelyextract.

2,the substratein theglueshould bethoroughly cleaned anddriedto removeimpurities,water,oil,dust etc..

3,curing conditions:100 ℃dryingfor 1 hours(must beexhaustedbefore thebubbledrying),150 ℃ovenfor 3 hours.

4,LED filamentafter curing,notpre reflowshould besealedor vacuum packagingpreservation,to preventmoisture absorption.

5,A,B gluemixturemust befinished within 6 hours.

Note:some of the materials,chemical agent,curing agent andplasticizercan inhibit theelastomercured.Themost notableinclude:

1,organictin andothermetal organiccompounds

2,sulfur,polysulfide,polysulfonesorother sulfur-containingitems

3,amine,polyurethanerubberorammonia containingitems

4,phosphorusorphosphorus containingitems

5,someflux residue

Ifin doubtwhethercan inhibit thecuringof a certainmaterialor material,we recommendacompatibilityexperiments to test thesuitabilityfor a particularapplication.If the existence ofpackaging material ofuncuredelastomer materialinterfacebetween thesubstrate andthecureddoubt,thatincompatible,will inhibit thecuring.

Packing: 1,glassor plastic bottlespackaging,specifications have 1kg,group 2kg/,group 4kg/packaging.

2,indicated on the packagename,brand name,batch number,weight,manufacturer,productiondate.

Save:1,this product should bebelow 25 ℃,avoid lightand closed storage.

2,the productstorage period is6 months from the dateof manufacture.

Statement:alldatacontained hereinare for reference only,and is believed to bereliable,for anyoneapproach is adopted to getbeyond our controlresults,wewill not be responsiblefor each user,suggestedinthe official use of the formershould bebased ondata provided by thefirsttest.

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